Browse Items (17 total)

19691014 COLLEGE FACING THORNY PATH The_Record_Tue__Oct_14__1969_.pdf
Selection of Saddle River far from settled. Six trustees have approved, but no one has approached the owners about the property. No engineering study yet done, public hearing to be held, and State Board of Higher Education must approve.

19691014 COLLEGE FACING THORNY PATH The_Record_Tue__Oct_14__1969_.pdf
Selection of Saddle River far from settled. Six trustees have approved, but no one has approached the owners about the property. No engineering study yet done, public hearing to be held, and State Board of Higher Education must approve.

Selection of Saddle River far from settled. Six trustees have approved, but no one has approached the owners about the property. No engineering study yet done, public hearing to be held, and State Board of Higher Education must approve.

19691009 SADDLE RIVER SELECTED The_Record_Thu__Oct_9__1969_.pdf
A 265 acre tract in Saddle River has been selected as the site for the State College of North Jersey In a split vote the board of trustees recommended locating the campus in the southwest corner of the junction of Route 17 and Allendale Avenue.…

19691008 COLLEGE SITE CHOICE DUE The_Record_Wed__Oct_8__1969_ (2).pdf
Trustees will probably pick a site in Hackensack. Planning Board adopted a resolution on Sept 19 for a site of 50-90 acres located north and south of Route 80

19601126 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR ED Courier_Post_Tue__Nov_26__1968_.pdf
Money to be spent on new colleges under bond issue adopted by the voters of NJ in 1968. Money for a college in North Jersey.

19691009 A TOWNS WAY OF LIFE THREATENED The_Record_Thu__Oct_9__1969.pdf
The possibility of adding the State College of North Jersey to Saddle River may change the lifestyle of that community.
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