Browse Items (17 total)

19691010 SADDLE RIVER CAUTIOUS The_Record_Fri__Oct_10__1969_.pdf
Saddle River leaders cautious as others speak out against College. Main objection is transportation. Place is inaccessible to students from lower income families.

19690501 COLLEGE OF NORTH JERSEY NAMED The_Record_Thu__May_1__1969_.pdf
Board of Trustees name the new college "College of North Jersey"

19690227 BOARD SWORN IN The_Record_Thu__Feb_27__1969_.pdf
Newspaper article about the first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the State College of North Jersey, later to be Ramapo College

19690627 POTTER LEAVES The_Escanaba_Daily_Press_Fri__Jun_27__1969_.pdf
George T. Potter, Vice President of Academic Affairs at Grand Valley State College, Michigan, resigns to become the first President of Ramapo

19691014 SADDLE RIVER COUNCIL CAUTIOUS The_Record_Tue__Oct_14__1969.pdf
Residents of Saddle River and their Borough Council are being cautious and may be girding for a fight against the College location in the Borough after a contentious hearing.
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