1919 is a year that changed America as movements occurred throughout the United States as well as some events in the field of politics. However; some of the posts posted barely covered a background for the United States between 1919 and 1920, as the page will cover some interesting information about America during the period.
1920 Census Map
The total population within American numbered approximately 106 million people according to the 1920 United States Census.[1] Categorizing the population between White, Black, and Other, the map provided above displays all the information from the 1920 census which can be seen by hovering over any of the states. A point of interest on the map came from the realization of how spaced out the Western United States seemed during the period. The dots in the Eastern United States seem nearly impossible to recognize as each blend in each other while the West is with barely any dots atop each other.
Infographic Chart for Quick Facts about 1919 to 1920
Click arrow on right hand side to transition into the next page of the infographic.
[1] Jason Gauthier, “1920 Fast Facts – History – U.S. Census Bureau,” 1920 Fast Facts – History – U.S. Census Bureau, accessed May 2, 2019, https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/fast_facts/1920_fast_facts.html.